I just feel the need to make a music recommendation post. I've just recently had a few bands introduced to me that make me really really happy. A whole different genre from the ones I recommended in my last music recommendations.

First up, we have Love Me Butch. This recommendation comes by way of P3k. They're Malaysian rockers and damn do I love them. Rocking, JTFU-ing, moshing-in-your-room music. At times brooding, but always kicking your ass with their music. Get The Protector at least, if you just wanna rock. For a slower sound, go with It's Over In Space. Never Ending Tunnel is a ass-kicking combination of harsh rock and sweet slow vocals.

For punk rock, I don't think you can go wrong with Pilot to Gunner. Rapid 'choons, much like machine gunners. Not exactly uplifting but hey, they make me happy that's all I need to know. On second thought, go read 3hive's review. I don't think I do them justice. Oh and Lystra, the song that I woke you up with is It's So Good To Be Here In Paris. The songs available are just samplers. So now I think I have another band to my imaginary CD wishlist.

Bloc Party demonstrates 3hive's impeccable taste really (they were on the 3hive five once). The rock this group has put out. Damn. Bloody. Good. Irunno. Again I'm at a loss on how to describe their greatness. It's not a kick-ass-jump-up rock, but it feels like what rock ought to be. There's a purity to their rock. Or maybe that's just my anglophile-side kicking in. They sound like Brit rockers (well cause they are... ehh). Anyway, get all of their downloadable songs. You won't regret it. If not, at least toss a coin and download either Staying Fat or Banquet