Okay, maybe the title shouldn't be so melodramatic. I'll just weep for the Singaporeans who put their blogs in Blogger. The "Next Blog" button on the blogbar is such an amazing tool for finding blogs. I found quite a few great blogs (for living vicariously through :D) but my journey through the jungle that is blogspot was not without dangers.

I cannot believe how many Singaporeans have blogs and I equally cannot believe how many of them make me want to take a tire iron to the authors faces. Or maybe just to mine, to end my misery.

So without further ado, here's the blogs that I've found so far that are worthy of reading.

  • Deus Ex Machina: Singaporean Blog. Intelligently Angsty, Funnily Insulting. Kinda reminds me of Tom in real life. Tom's blog is so sedate compared to his real self.

  • Kitabkhana: Fascinatingly intelligent. I think. I haven't actually read much of it, but a quick glance through the posts make me think that reading it would be quite enjoyable.

  • No longer studying abroad Peter Krupa: Quite a chin scratching title for a blog. Not because it's intelligent, just cause it's strange. The writer has some genuinely funny writing, but I do so wish I could write about love/like as eloquently or at least as coherently as he does in Going to Plan B

I'll probably find a few more blogs that I like through the "Next Blog" button, and a whole boat load of blogs that'll make me despair for humanity. I'll post any more gems I find at a later time. And of course, feel free to check out the blogs I've linked up too. I guarantee that none of them are mind numbingly stupid.

Do me a favour though. If you don't see me online in the next few days, look for a news article about somebody who bludgeoned himself to death in front of a computer while reading a website.

Most likely aforementioned website will be written in AlTeRnAtE cApZ and would have had you click at least 5 javascript alerts before you can enter the site (I'm serious about the javascript alerts too).