So, Semiotheque Guy. Or as I like to call him, Tom Green (this ought to be self explanatory really). Daaaamn Yooooou! The Best Way To Be Broken, Part 1 just made me so jealous with it's earnest honesty and writing that just aches to be made into an indie song. It's just so reminiscent to the lyrics of Deathcab (new album soon wooo!) that I fall in love with it so readily.

And yes, I am aware how disturbing my man-crush on him is. So painfully aware.

I've made up my mind to restart Vocabulary Notebook over the sem break. The new design is pretty much done already, it just needs to be made into a template. I also may change the format to something similar to semiotheque where I will write when I feel like it. Being forced to write every weekday is just plain exhausting. Or maybe I'll make myself write twice a week instead, we'll see.

Oh yeah, the pitifully short sem break is upon us! All shall rejoice and dance without pants! The last few weeks were seriously draining, going into crunch mode to complete the sudden deluge of final projects. Gah.

The UP Cursor party was a welcome release for the stress. Pictures will be posted later. As for the digital art competition, I came in tenth. I'm choosing to look at that positively, focusing on the fact that I got into the finalists.

My results for this trimester is pretty good, I'm averaging at 3.16 now. I can take an average grade for my last subject and still retain a 3.0 GPA. Huzzahs all around as far as I'm concerned.

Weird pictar of the whenever:

CD-ROM Drive on a Tricycle

A CD-ROM drive ghettoed onto a tricycle! It was just so strange to see what a PC component on a normally low-tech vehicle. Another strange sight I saw on the roads here was a pink painted truck euphamistically named "Roadside People Caretakers" (or something to that effect, exact name escapes me now). It had a flower painted on it. And it had a cage inside it. Yeah. Police state scariness.