What I Want

Here's a fun little list from Behavioural Sciences class:

What I Want

I may have laughed maniacally when I wrote the last few. I do so enjoy irony (except when it is in the Alanis Morrisette sense). Also mass killings. Some genocides are necessary and even beneficial.

Also, Behasci prof is somewhat uhm... strange. Too happy happy funtime. She's a psychiatrist. She sings in class. Also ambushed me with a tickle from behind to demonstrate sense of touch. "Commandor, I needs a pepp0r spr4y!".

The list is also mostly true.

Did you know you can make reportedly good chocolate mousse with tofu?

On the off chance that someone who drops by actually cares or is much too bored at the present moment, vote Florian Mueller! Just, VOTE DAMN YOU!

I am Most Underwhelmed

Silly meme. I thought you would be much more interesting. Via Flying Backwards.

  1. Delve into your blog archive.
  2. Find your 23rd post.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.

And here's my sentence: "Man I miss that website"

So so underwhelmed by the result of this. Someone else try it, you're bound to get something more interesting than mine.

Aardvaarkarkakrakrakk is Hard to Spell

I watched Corpse Bride today. Alone. Should have caught the trailers so I could see the one for 40 Year Old Virgin. That would be me in 20 more years! Another significant event today is the consumption of Spam in a restaurant specializing in Spam.

I came away from the experience with the precious knowledge that Spam is overrated.

Just to make things clear that little pearl of wisdom was gleaned from the eating part of the narrative, not the watching a movie part. Just wanted to be crystal clear on this.

Watching movies alone.. sob... alone..

Uhm.. so on to more disturbing things. Aardman Animation (purveyors of claymation, creators behind Wallace & Gromit) had a nice little bonfire at their warehouse. Why bring this up? When I read that this morning, my heart broke in sympathy for Nick Park and his wonderful team of animators down there. I mean.. losing 15 years of such rich artistic history. It's gotta suck. But then I read what Nick Park had to say about the subject.

Even though it is a precious and nostalgic collection and valuable to the company, in light of other tragedies, today isn't a big deal

And then it struck me. I was more moved by a disaster that happened to a bunch of sets in engerland than I was by the plight of an untold millions in the Asian earthquake. It is somewhat disturbing that I cared more about art work than I cared about people. It is something that occurs to me quite often really. I'd rather love an abstract idea more than a person.