Here's a cool little meme by Mia. List down all the names people know you by. Mine will be really really short I bet.

If you call me...

  • Jeiel (correctly pronounced). You either know me or have a knack for pronouncing people's names correctly. My name is so weird to read that I've been resigned to people mercilessly slaughtering it all my life. You could also be Regan, the only online friend I have that calls me by my proper name.

  • Jail/Jeh-ee-el/(insert mangling of my name of your choice). You're attempting to read out my name and failing badly. I can tell by the way you're scrunching up your face as you puzzle over how to pronounce my name that you're about to call me and I'm readying myself to correct you. If you're smart you'll ask how to pronounce it. If not you'll just steamroll over it to get it over and done with.

  • Jei-eel. You're my primary school maths teacher Mr. Goh Tiak Hee. I hate you.

  • Yo !@#$. Either you really hate me, or you're one of my close friends from Singapore. It's probably the latter since I don't know enough people to get them to hate me yet. Oh and YO DAMN SHIT!

  • ZeroByte. You know me from one of the forums I frequent. Fastfood, Natural Selection, TAF. Take your pick. Prolly only well known in TAF and Fastfood though. You could also know me from deviantART or the pixelation forums. If you're from the pixelation forums, you should be thanking me for click-to-zoom! Actually if you call me ZeroByte, you could be almost anyone who knows me online. It's my primary online identity. IRC, Forums, etc.

  • Ancient One. You're an old timer from the Brainchild Design forums, the first forum I was ever active in. You were part of the community when I was one of the more popular guys in that forum. Somehow through all these years you still remember me. And possibly Bloodat (I forget his original name) and Baraka.

  • Hun. You're Bunny bint! My online granma! Although you call everybody hun really... You need to get your blog back online Michelle! If you're reading this, take care of yourself in the UK granma!

  • ZB. You're from #abandongames or #danwa. You're a lazy bastard and shorten my nick ZeroByte into ZB. You also probably call me other names... but.. they're unmentionable. This is a PG-13 blog damnit!

  • Kuy/Kor. You're Lystra. You want something from me or just want to annoy me with more stories of your boys. Love ya ;)

  • Lystra's bodyguard. You're a friend of Lystra, probably calling me that cause I had to go with her before my parents allowed her to go. Being the big brother means you're the KJ (killjoy, learned new slang terms today). Or you could also be one of the guys from my class in AMA. I just want you to know I hate you all.

  • Kuya Je. You're either Mi or Jo (Joren needs his journal Mia!). I'm stil kinda weirded out by people other than Lystra calling me kuya, but I love you guys :) You guys are the best. It's incredible that we can still click together like that after all those years.

  • Genius. You're one of my former NYP classmates from DIT0316. I miss you guys muchos! You call me that cause I'm the class nerd and you want to ask for my help :D I didn't mind though as long as you were learning something.

  • Oi. A classmate from B1 cause I still haven't introduced myself. :P

  • ChemiKhazi. You're playing Natural Selection with me. You're probably Singaporean and you're probably talking cock over the voice comm. If I'm playing commander, you're probably pissed at me. If I'm a Gorge you're probably pissed at me too! I miss playing NS and I miss the SG servers.

  • Marine Na Bei. You're playing Counter-Strike with me. That was kinda fun till it got stupid. Oh well.

  • [LoTC] God of Lag. You're the L^P mofo's playing Warcraft 3 with me. You're also probably bitching about the lag I blessed the battles with. I so love my PC.

  • Coconut. (new) You're my cousins and Lystra when I came back to Philippines for a vacation. You sang the whole coconut song as a way to tease me. "A coconut nut is a big big nut...". Yeah.

If you can add anymore names for me, go ahead and leave it in the comments.