Sometimes, I wonder who's taking care of who. Sometimes I feel like it's my ickle sister, Lystra, that's watching out for me, protecting me from my somewhat naive way of thinking. I'm too nice, I'm too passive and I think give in too easy. I'm a walking doormat sometimes.

Strange thing is, I can look intimidating. My sis always mentions how some guys trying to court her are somewhat intimidated by me I guess. But I always brush it off increduously. I'm not mean! I try to avoid conflict! I'm practically a frick'n hippie. I just don't like physically hurting people.

But still, sometimes I feel inadequate in protecting her. Not just physically, but in other things as well. She tells guys to get off my back. I think I try to protect her, but well... I'm not really verbal about it. I try giving mean stares but I think it comes off like I'm squinting at them. Terrible at intimidation I am.

I would like to think I'd get in there if she gets physically threatened though. Give me something physical and I could deal with it. It's the touchy feely verbal stuff that I have problems with. I think I would have liked to have dealt with that !@#$ physically though. But eh, the consequences suck.

Oh, and she wanted me to mention this in my blog. <singligh> Why har, she har, keep changing boys har? She har, damn mafan lor.</singlish>