Well, finally finished doing my blog's default look, took me long enough. I really ought to put it through a validator but I'm kinda tired and I'd probably want to fix it before going to sleep. So meh to that for now.

With the HTML of the web page, I've tried to conform as much to best web practices. That means a nicely structured page without any presentational elements in it.

For the design part (HTML handles the content part), I've used external stylesheets hosted somewhere else. This effectively cuts down the amount of stuff I have to download from the webserver every time I visit a page in my blog cause the CSS file is cached in my computer. Kinda important for me with my 56k.

If you look at my navigation bar, you might notice a section called alternative styles. This won't contain anything for now, but when I get around to creating an alternative design for the website, users will be able to use whatever design they like through that menu

Content wise, I still want to add a few more things. I'll probably put up a link to my bookmark file, so anyone bored enough can look through what I've bookmarked. There's one blog in my blog links that you probably don't know. Ephemere is my cousin's blog. Kinda chim though.