The journey we take to finding our truths is a strange one. The paths we'll go down as we attempt to find our identities will be strange and unmarked, with no real way of knowing what is ahead of us. They'll never ever be clearly marked and the signs only serve to confuse us more.

And perhaps we'll never even find our truth, our identity in life. Perhaps we'll just meander along a path and settle down upon it, never really going down other paths. Maybe instead of finding the way that is for us, we'll just let the road wear us out, grind us down till we fit the road instead of the road fitting ourselves. Maybe we'll find ourselves content to live life in the halflight, the twilight, forgetting our dreams of feeling the sunlight.

And what if even when we do encounter the sun, the truth, we'll not recognize it for what it is so blinded are we by the dark that the even the light seems to just be darkness to our eyes. I know I have yet to find my path in life, and I'm just not being helped by the signs. A man sitting on a peak, two books on his lap. One espousing living life simply, the other telling him to do everything. A movie on love that seems so true to you yet on careful consideration, it goes against the very things that you profess to believe in. A song telling you that feelings shouldn't be thought when you know they should be carefully considered.

Right, enough with the halfbaked philosophy. I watched The Incredibles today instead of going to school. Can Pixar do no wrong? Visually, it's amazing. Sometimes it almost looked like they were filming incredibly lifelike puppets, so much so that I sometimes thought of the Thunderbirds. The writing was also top-notch. It's a story about people being persecuted for being special, about people that just want to make the world a better place, a story about a family bonding together. Throw in clever jokes about hero/villian stereotypes, geniunely funny moments and well developed characters with great dialogue and you got movie gold. Here's to Pixar and may they continue kicking all sorts of ass.

Tuesday. We were walking, The girl and I. Not alone, yet we were walking beside each other. Inadvertently our hands slipped into each others, an innocent happenstance. It was just a fleeting moment. I was puzzled by the sudden warmth in my hand and just as suddenly as it happened, we withdrew our hands. Or she withdrew her hands. I wasn't quite sure what I did except continue walking as if nothing happened and it passes without mention from either of us. Yeah it means nothing, just felt the need to write it down.

Later in the cinema, another show of social incompetence. We're walking down a dark flight of steps and I offer my hand out to steady her, but being the social genius I am, I never say anything. I mean, she eventually takes my hand but only after she says something about it. Hurrah for being too shy for my own good.