I feel rather envious of my contemporaries. Its the writing thing again you see, Its that itch I want to scratch yet feel so inadequate to do so. Reading entries on other peoples blogs make me wish so much I can write like that. I've written nothing of consequence lately. All I've written are mindless, souless drivel. Complaints about life in general. I feel like an old man.

Below is a sample of such writing

Well.. I survived this term. Not unscathed, not without sacrifices, but at least I survived. Considered, my statements may sound overdramatic but I stand by them.

Been reading American Gods again, and it put into my mind the idea that education can be a God. I've sacrificed nights of sleep, probably my health (I should be taking better care of myself) willingly. Unto the altar of... what, excellence? I've done rather well. Not my best term ever but at least I've gotten myself 4's in the major subjects that matter to me.

I am such a nerd for focusing on that.

I haven't been able to talk to old friends much lately. No net connection at home. I really ought to try this new fangled thing called "e-mail" sometimes. Err. If anyone of you guys are reading this, hi.

Stream of consciousness: It's 12:28. I've managed to break my bad habit of writing at 4 am in the morning. Hurrah for me!

Made a decision on the fly. I really should consider these things more. Heck, I should be considering my whole life a lot more closely nowadays. Still have no concrete plan for my life. Taking whatever comes day by day. Not that good of an idea at such a crucial juncture of ones life when you think about it. It will soon be time to make a transition from studying to becoming a working adult.

Oh, that decision. I'm taking Game Authoring for my Media Production major next term. All the friends I'm close to are taking 3D and they pretty much have a dream team assembled over there. I'm not regretting my decision just yet. After all this is what I enrolled in ABMA for, to get into the games industry but ABMA has aroused a passion for animation in me. Bleh. Decisions messing with my head.

Sometimes I miss the whiny old Jeiel, the one who would pine for loves that never was (I'm a breakin' grammer to sound romantic). At least his blog isn't this dry, whining about school stuff.