Meh, haven't been able to write a proper post, although there are things I really want to say. To make up for not having new content in quite a while, I shall make with the silly links!
Scientists find coffee really is addictive. No, really? You think? Found the cure for cancer then have we? I'm not quite sure what to say to this really. I do so love my coffee, but I don't think I'm seriously addicted to it yet. Give it time I suppose :D Seriously though, kinda useless research there..
Speaking of useless research (see how I segue so smoothly from that to this? huh? huh?!), how about them Ig Noble awardees eh? To honour the best in Science and humanity in general, we have the Nobel prizes but what about the offbeat kooky research! How do we recognize the scientists who have put in such effort into discovering that herrings communicate with each other by farting? Or the great humanists that have assembled a nudist library?
Halflife 2: A Link to the Past. Way. Too. Cute. Wouldn't it be funnier though if Link got Gordons beard? I tell you, midgets with beards: way too funny. Or scary. Or scarily funny.
In other game character related news, GameFAQs is holding another character face off and the final survivors, the ones that have clawed their way to the top bracket are Cloud (whiny spiky hair dude of FF7 fame) and Link, who should require no introduction at all. If he does, you have failed at life. I think the choice in this very important election is quite clear, and if you're not convinced, please let me point you to this well written post about why you should vote Link for 2004.
Watch this space for a new webcomic. Though my involvement in it is kinda small, I'm just doing the colouring for Auntie Janet cause he sucks too much. The actual hair colours I came up with for the characters are actually much weirder than the final one, mostly cause Jan-tor didn't give me any specific colour scheme that he wanted so I went all CGNU on it. Here's the first colour scheme I did up for him (hope you don't mind me posting this up here janet):
I actually find the pink hair quite fetching for the Sarah, but meh. Jay (yes Mia, Jay) does look like a bimbo with blonde hair though. And yeah, it's not the best colouring evar, but whatever. Also, telling people that you colour a webcomic sounds like you use crayons or something.
And now, I shall go back to memorizing conversion factors between the Imperial and Metric measuring systems. Seriously, the world should murder the imperial system with a spoon already and switch to metric. Then we wouldn't have problems like AIDS or wastes of money like the Mars climate orbiter. Quite possibly I shall make a proper post by today, but don't expect anything.
Heehee. Hey, it's not that sensitive a topic. It's a nice name, Jay. I like the pink hair though.
The Ig Nobel awards are so funny. I love looking at their Physics awardees.
By Anonymous @ 5:44 AM
i want pink hair. why does pink hair look all purdy in cartoons but horrible in real life? no fun.
nvm, i'll stick to blue.
By Anonymous @ 11:23 PM
Well, I hope you will continue to colour for me, I like the work you've done so far. No problem regarding the image. As long as you don't post the actual strips, I'm cool with it. :)
Scientists should stop finding out all these useless facts and start working on real problems. Damn fools.
- Jante
By Anonymous @ 1:58 AM
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