I clean out my room and then I come across an article about how getting rid of your junk can make you happy. I can safely attest to that with anecdotal evidence! I was quite amazed at how much paper I had accumulated over a year and a half. Found some interesting things underneath the detritus of my life too.
The story of my recent life in ID cards:
Also found this slightly embarassing partly written letter that was supposed to be adressed to Thomas when I left Singapore. Forgive the gayz0r dude, I was emotional. I also have no freaking idea what the rest of the letter was supposed to say so I guess it will be one of those great unresolved mysteries of life. I was also going to write something for all of my friends but uhm, eh, didn't pan out. I am way too lazy, even in the face of sorrow.
Last night's chat with the #L^P mofos was fun, even if it did lead to Edi's gf Kaori having err gay fanfic fantasies about us. Yes, it was much much much disturbing. Also my deepest sympathies to Edison. Maxtor fucking sucks man.
It has also come to my attention that indeed, this month is National Novel Writing Month or if you are into ridiculous abbreviations, NaNoWriMo. Jeez. That thing looks like a preteen raped a word with spastic caps. Anyhoo, while the endeavour of writing a novel in its entirety in one month seems like an interesting challenge it holds little interest for me.
What is much much much much more interesting however is a parallel event being held by Websnark. NaDruWriNi or in the language of the sane, (inter)National Drunk Writing Night. A night that will surely be marked by splendid debauchery when various people around the globe load up their word processors and then proceed to get loaded up, maaan, on their alcomahol of their choice! I surely will be looking forward to the fruits of their drunken labour. Too bad I can't really take part. Sounds like a fun excuse to get drunk.
In final fun stuffs over the intarweb, drawing 700 hoboes. I'm taking part in it. Also this smexy pirate picture which I have inexplicably opened in my browser.
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