Looking forward to it
I'm sitting in class, being bored as usual, getting annoyed at my classmates and taking stock of my life. I turn to my side and see my sister and her boyfriend (major annoyance and a big reason you should never be in the same class as a sibling) and I think to myself.: What the crap am I living for?
No, I've not turned suicidal. I do wonder why I get up in the morning though. I have nothing to look forward to in life. I hate my school, or at least bear a deep dislike for it, and I can't really say I'm having much luck on the friends side here. I think IRC and the forums has turned into my primary source of social contact.
I think I've gotten into middle-age life way too soon. My life seems to be wake up, go to school, homework, sleep, rinse, repeat. The things I look forward to when I get home are fleeting and vapid, like getting to watch anime or some other show on the telly. I'm now upset cause the cable reception has gone noisy.
I don't know what to do. I guess I have a general, hazy direction (get into the software/computer industry, hopefully something in games) that I want to take my life towards, but irunno, the relocation has made me lost and I don't know how to get there from here. On deeper relfection, I don't know if it is the right direction for me. I guess I gravitated towards it as a career choice cause it's what I'm best at, but again, it might not be the best for me as a person.
So much doubt right now.
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