I See the Sun
/me does the biannual blog dust off
The server hosting the blog images has gone offline. I actually like the inadvertent minimalist feel to it now.
Back from internship. Lessons learned there indeed. I now need to get out of school and into the scary as frak 'real' world.
First time in a week or so that I see the sun. I was a space cadet the whole time I was out in the world, looking up at the sky like that. Reason for my confinement? PyWeek! I think this is my first complete game ever and it was completed in a week! Awesome. Could never have done it without gord, the main programmer of our game. The game is very very pretty. Not necessarily innovative gameplay wise but I feel its pretty solid. Got the game making bug now that I've got one complete game under my belt.
Tangentially, I am fucking pissed at the local roman catholic churches. Maybe not everyone is spewing the same rhetoric but jeez. They are fighting the passing of a bill about sex education. This. Is. Stupid. And the crap they are spewing? That the supporters of the bill are false prophets. Can't make this shit up folks. We're back in the middle ages where the church wishes to suppress knowledge for their own ends. It's incredibly... god.. angering that they will refuse to ease the burden of their flock HERE ON EARTH. It's the same kind of reasoning that brought about the god damn inquisition. We'll make you suffer so your soul will be pure woo!
I mean, jeez. Get on with the times. For an example to follow? What about the church of england? They've moved on from ignorance by making a formal apology to Charles Darwin. Sure its late but its a sign that they are ready to move on and be more accepting instead of irrational reactions. Like, you know, 'false prophets'
Rant. Out.