For all the independence of thought that I attribute to myself, I find myself so easily influenced by media that I consume. In rereading Catcher in the Rye, I find myself using the word 'crumby' a bit too much in my internal dialogue. I guess I'm just another one of the herd. Media consumes me.
Firefox's American spellcheck dictionary just confused me over the spelling of 'dialogue' so badly. Still haven't completely switched from British spelling to American bastardised english. Just installed me the Britland dictionary. Its like a live blogging here!
Went to school with weird expectations today. I don't think I was expecting much but I was expecting something. I really ought to stop imagining non-existent conversations between people and myself. I'm pretty sure its bad for one's mental health. I thought I was safe from an action of mine that was spurred on by desperation. Turns out that no, no I'm not. I think my face drained when I heard that. I'm pretty sure it'll be awkward if I see her tomorrow.
Forgot my cellphone so I couldn't get picked up from school. This part isn't that interesting except for sitting in Jollibee and reading Catcher in the Rye which, idunno. Reading a book in a fastfood restaurant while you're reading seems to be pretty scaggy (a stolen word from Going Postal) behaviour to me. There is just an element about it that is so wrong. Also, not getting fetched from school led to a conversation in the toilet while I prepared to do number 2.
Yes, you did not need to know that.
Anyway, due to not being fetched I missed the last shuttle out of school and I had to walk from one end of Magallanes to the other. Not that significant a distance but I walked it alone. Usually this hike would be undertaken with friends. I don't have anything against them but walking alone gives me such a feeling of freedom and, paradoxically, less lonely.
During the crappy years of high school/secondary school I used to walk from the school to my house, laden with my heavy school bag and I'm pretty sure it was at least 2 kilometers.
My solitary walk evoked these memories and I had a fantastic idea. I would walk home all the way from my school. I entertained this idea quite seriously in my head as I realized that with almost all the schools I've studied in, I've been able to walk home to or from there.
Tonight I only walked part of the way. I think I badly want to do this now.