The past few days have passed me by in such a strange way. For some reason, with this cloak of civilisation we wear, we forget we're at natures mercy so easily. Maybe I should stop using we and say I.
A storm has blown through Metro Manila. A particularly savage one, wind and rain entwined. I think its sad that I did not even think to become engaged in this display of fury and beauty, did not even think to appreciate it. I used to love these things.
It was delibidating. Electricity, modern civilisation's lifeblood, was cut off. Safety reasons they say. I heard tell of motorcycles taking flight. It almost sounds fanciful, like a childs dream. Or nightmare tales of billboards run amok, nth foot giant people becoming a whirling devrish.
Without the comforting glow of electric lights, the nights become primal. We eat by candlelight, and for entertainment I forsake the ether of the internet for books. I read till there is no more light.
A stroll outside reveals the world to be in chaos yet..? Trees are torn, broken at their roots and made to bow before natures majesty terrifying and wondrous. Splinters litter the ground and the wonderful smell of the aftermath hangs in the air. A different atmosphere perhaps less inviting and offering less comfort than air-conditioned air but it has an allure, a mystery. Excitement.
I'll keep my window open, for now
Oh, and semiotheque is back. When did that happen? SQUEE!