Eight Days
I think its difficult to accurately describe the vapidness of the Singaporean magazine called Eight Days. Such is its vacuousness that the simple non-existence of matter is not enough, to print out the magazine the theoretical creation of Anti-matter was necessary to allow the editors to publish material of such triviality and non-consequence.
Nevertheless I love it.
Not for the content mind you, I have divested of my feelings and thoughts on it and you should know of my low opinion about it by now. Unless your eyes glazed over while reading that in which case. Eh, why are you reading this blog? My dad came back from a quick business trip to Singapore and brought back that week's issue of Eight Days. It's disquieting how such an inane rag can bring me back to Singapore if only in my mind.
In more exciting Singapore related news, Peepshow won! the Youth Alive Finals. Big mamafuck w00t to Boon and Edmund and the rest of the band. May you guys be as blessed in future musical endeavours and rock out the Esplanade on August 9 baby! National day style!
Wait, its time for Things-You-Did-Not-Need-to-Know-About-Jeiel! When I woke up, I immediately checked the LP blog for news of the Youth Alive Finals and when I saw that Peepshow had won, I celebrated with whoops of joy. I guess most people would find this normal except I was only in my underwear at that time. So Boon, when I was celebrating your victory I want you to know, I was in my tighty-whities. Yeah. Wasn't wearing the Hulk boxers unfortunately.
Blog of the moment: The Retard Patrol. The Friendster community is, unfortunately, a varied one and within this cesspool of retardedness there is a subspecies that is so mind-numbingly stupid that only a few brave men will dare wade into this sewage of humanity and examine it. For science. Well, occasionally the aforementioned men will laugh and poke fun at the Ah-bengs and Ah-lians but this blog is mainly a Scientific Endeavour For The Progressmentiveness Of Knowledge For All Mankind. Okay, so seriously they make fun of stupid friendster profiles. Among other things.